The Platforms Fund announces selected projects for 2018-2019.
The Platforms Fund, developed by Antenna, Ashé Cultural Arts Center, and Pelican Bomb, with generous support from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, is excited to announce the fourth round of grant awards!
This year we received 116 applications, proposing projects in different media and locations across the city. This year’s five-person jury narrowed the field to 22 finalists and, of those, selected 19 projects to fund with grants of up to $5000.
In addition to $67,000 in total grants awarded, we teamed up again with Kickstarter to assist all interested with developing Kickstarter campaigns to build additional support for their projects.
For full project descriptions, click here.
Grant Awardees:
Kira Akerman: Station 15 Community Engagement and Outreach
Journey Allen: The Art of Community: Youth Summer Enrichment Program
Langston Allston: André Cailloux Monument
Hope Amico: Where You From? 2018 Summer Census
Blue House Civic Studio: Blue House Newspaper Project
Hannah Chalew: Terraforming in the Anthropocene
Delta Collective (Anthony Fontenot, Jakob Rosenzweig, and Monique Verdin): Floating Exhibition
Frederick Delahoussaye: NOLA Black Selfie Project
Double Diamond (Marta Rodriguez Maleck and Ashley Teamer): But I Didn’t Mean It Like That
Julia Elizabeth Evans: Corner Stores Community Screenings
Tracy Fidelman: Re/Pro Community Photocopier
Fari Nzinga: “The Rent Is Too Damn High!”
Kelsey Reynolds: A Garden to Dye For: Crafting Community with Black Youth Through Fiber Art
José Torres-Tama: Hard Living in the Big Easy
Research & Development Grants (can apply for additional support next year):
Brigid Conroy: The New Orleans Ferry Oral History Project
Jeremy Guyton: Social Dance Floor
L. Kasimu Harris: The Vanishing Black Lounge
Andrea Panzica: That Various Field
Lala Raščić: The Checkered Oyster
[Image from Hannah Chalew]